Stories about our bestest buddy

The quiet

I’ve mentioned more than once how quiet the house feels now. It took me a bit to figure out why. Obviously, Binky was loud. He breathed loud, slept loud, walked loud. He had a meow that you could hear even if he were at the south end of the top floor and you were at the north end of the bottom floor.

One time, we had friends over and we were all in the backyard. The downstairs window was open, and Binky would often lie there to get fresh air (this was before we bought a leash and harness and would regularly take him outside).

We’re all hanging out around the outside table and we hear, “HELLLRRRRROOOOO?” Over and over again. I swear that cat was trying to say hello. (He could hear us talking, but he couldn’t see us overly well, and the minute one of us went inside, he was happy again.)

But…that’s not the only reason the house is so quiet now.

I talked to Binky all the time. Every time I walked into a room where he was it was, “Hey, buddy.”

When he got up (especially the past couple of years), it was, “Binky, do you want help?” We’d kind of trained him to ask. Not all the time, but he’d definitely ask for help when he wanted to be carried downstairs at night.

And that’s not counting all the times I just…talked to him like you would a friend. With the pandemic, it’s been just me, John, and the three cats for over a year now, and even though we’re both introverts…well…it’s been hard. But even before lockdown, I talked to Binky all the time. In part because he’d always talk back. Always.

He never gave me answers. Not in words. Not that I could understand anyway. But he’d meow back, in his “Momma’s talking to me!” way. For all I know, every single one of his vocalizations was a plea for food. Or outside. Or a clean litter box. But regardless…he’d talk back.

I don’t think a lot of us realized just how much we need human contact a year ago. I used to think working at home permanently, never having to see other people in person would be awesome. And don’t get me wrong…I plan on working at home as long and as much as I can. BUT…I’ve realized how much we need to be heard. And touched. And loved.

Binky was pure love. Eleven to thirteen pounds (depending on the year) of pure, solid, adoring love. To and for everyone he met.

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